Thursday, June 30, 2011

long week

it was a very long week. gabe and i both have pretty bad colds. this is actually the longest that i have been on the computer all week. i have pretty much been trying to sleep when gabe sleeps. i'm not always successful, but i do spoil him even more when he is sick. i try to hold him longer when he is sick and napping so i know he gets a decent nap. i know! horrible! but i can't help it. i hate that he is wheezing when he breathes because he is so stuffy. if i feel horrible imagine how crappy he must feel.

up close and personal with booger

we did get to do some fun things this week even though we were not feeling super great. we went on some long walks, mostly so he could have a good nap, and we went to the zoo! it was so much fun! we went with my cousin colleen, her daughter samantha and molly and conor.
gabe really loved the seals. he wasn't really into any of the other animals. he really was not into petting the sting rays. it was pretty cool. actually, it was pretty gross. they are kinda slimy and kinda sandpapery. one of them was even licking my hand. (YUCK) so i really don't blame him.
we went to brookfield zoo and i can't wait to go to lincoln park zoo. their seals are so much more exciting and i know that gabe will love them. also, their polar bears are amazing. i love them so i know gabe will too.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

cranky baby

what can you do if you have a not so happy baby? easy! sit him at the piano. gabe loves to play the piano. he bangs on the keys that are in front of him and then he even reaches over to try to play the lower and higher notes. i know absolutely nothing about playing music. i couldn't even find middle C. gabe loves music though. he was even singing while playing the piano today.

we got him a leap frog music table from the flea market ($8!) and it is one of his favorite toys. he loves it even more because he can stand up while he plays it. i was even able to leave him standing there playing while i went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. i know it doesn't seem like a big deal but gabe is still at the age where you can't really leave him alone.

gabe also has a favorite song. he loves "marry you" by bruno mars (except he likes the glee version). if we are in the car and he is being cranky i can turn it on and he usually calms down.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

things i miss....

this is me before baby.

i love gabe. i would not trade him for anything in this world. however.....i hate what being pregnant did to my body. i used to have a chin! i used to have a waistline! i have tried to work out and eat right. it's working....very slooooowly. i admit i didn't try to eat right while i was pregnant. i wanted ice cream ALL of the time. i also wanted coffee but gabe would kick me and sit on my bladder everytime i tried some so i just gave up. i needed one vice! then i was so swollen that i didn't have a chance to walk anywhere because i needed to keep my feet elevated and take it easy.

hopefully i can look like this again. im trying to stay optimistic but it's definitely hard. at least i can get up off the couch now without scooting to the edge!

Monday, June 20, 2011

missing baby

what a weekend!!! saturday was a full day of garage sales and then yesterday was a very busy father's day. my mother in law was not feeling too good in the morning and she decided she needed to go to the ER. not really the way you want to start a morning! we spent most of the day at my in-laws house. she's ok, but it was definitely a scare.

sidney (my stepdaughter) is also staying with us for a few days. her mom is on vacation with her stepdad. jorge took some vacation time so that he could spend time with her. today, however, i have to watch a friend of mine's son. jorge decided to keep gabe with him. as nice as it is that i can be on the computer or actually read a magazine without having to stick gabe in the pack and play, i miss him terribly. i'm trying to keep busy with errands and stuff but it's still weird looking in the rear view mirror and not seeing gabe in his car seat. what a double edged sword.
people always try to tell you that when you have a baby your thoughts about things change. it's so true but so hard to understand before you have a baby. it is hard to describe to someone that feeling you get when you are away from your baby for too long. on one hand it feels good to finally get some me time, or even be able to go to the bathroom alone. and on the other hand it is so lonely and kinda boring. before gabe i loved tv. i could watch it all day long. now i still have the tv on (for background noise mostly) but when i'm by myself i find myself getting bored quickly. gabe is so fun to be with and so interesting that tv just doesn't hold my attention like it did before. i would not have believed this before i was pregnant. not like tv?! but it's so true. i would rather be with gabe right now than be sitting here typing this blog in peace. it's so much more fun to type while trying to hold a baby on your lap anyways!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Garage Sale Day

every year our neighborhood holds a massive garage sale. there are always between 50 and 75 houses that participate. this year was great! there were tons of baby toys that i picked up, most were only one dollar!
gabe was a real trooper today. he spent about 3 hours in his stroller (he was sleeping for part of it) and then another hour in his highchair outside. i feel guilty that he didn't have a lot of time to
crawl and play. it was a little difficult getting him to sleep tonight. but he was at least being stimulated right?

he looks kinda happy with his sippy cup right?

my mom found this super cute chair. it needs a fresh coat of paint but otherwise will be perfect for gabe. she also found the rattle gabe is holding. he loves it! garage sales are the best!

hopefully tomorrow will be another wonderful day.

Friday, June 17, 2011

first step

Hi everyone!
so i decided to start a blog. i will mostly be writing about my wonderful son, gabriel. i have wanted to do something creative lately and this is the least messy of all my other options. i hope you enjoy all that will come!