Thursday, September 27, 2012

What?! Gabe is two?!

Well, tomorrow he will be. I'm kinda shocked that two years have flown by. It seems like forever ago that I was pregnant and flying to Hawaii. And now, I'm the very proud parent of a two year old!

***warning!!! Tons and tons of photos!!!**i tried to use different ones, but sorry if you've seen them before***

It's so amazing to see how gabe has changed in the past year. He is becoming quite a little talker. He's always been, um...loud, but now he is actually stringing words together into phrases. He is also repeating almost everything. Last night, I put him in his bed and he immediately climbed right back into ours. I said "fine! Then you sleep by dada." He immediately parroted back, in the same tone, "fine!" It was soooo funny, Jorge and I couldn't stop laughing. We do however, have to stop swearing. I do not want to hear those words come out of his mouth.

Gabe is also recognizing places and people. I mean he has always recognized family, but now he knows when we are on the way to kyles house and that if we go to Costco he gets a hot dog.

Gabe loves to jump. He'd prefer on a couch or trampoline (just not pump it up), but now he's also jumping on the floor all the while saying "jump! Jump! Jump!"

He takes naps on the couch all by himself now. I still sit by him when he's falling asleep. I don't need to hold him anymore. I'm not sad though, because that means he's growing up. We still cuddle plenty at night *trust me*.

We have finally moved off of bubble guppies. Yes, they are his favorite still, but I can finally put on something else and he will sit and watch it. Some other favorites are curious George, the cat in the hat, little einsteins, handy manny (who speaks Spanish!) and sometimes Diego. And finally, we went to the park and gabe didn't go on a single swing! He even climbed up the little ladder!

I wish I had done this kind of post for all of gabes other milestones, but I honestly didn't think of it until now.

To gabe, I love you sooooo much. When nothing else can make me smile, you can. You bring joy to everyone. I love your laugh. I love the way you grab my face at night (but not my hair). I love your sloppy kisses and tight tight hugs. You are an awesome little rocker! I love that trucks and ambulances make you so happy. I'm so glad to have you as my son.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Good intentions

I always have good intentions of blogging over the weekend, but life usually has different plans. I actually put gabe to bed Friday night and Sunday night. I mostly blog at night, but I cannot do it in bed with G, because then its HIS eeyeepaaad (iPad)

This morning I felt like total shit. I haven't felt this bad in years. I've had bad headaches, been hung over, but this sucked. I started a new kind of birth control and wouldn't you know, I'm the one who gets all of the side effects...nausea, vomiting, severe headache...yuck! I'm not taking this pill tonight, no way! Gabe had a great day full of cartoons and hugs for his sick mama.

Yesterday was a really fun day though. We (me, Sidney, Cristina, and jasmin) made cake pops for gabes birthday party this Saturday. It was a little slow going to start because the chocolate wouldn't melt right, but then we got better. I'm not sure the pops got better looking though.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday link up!

Yeah! It's Friday again and time for my favorite link up over at rockin' mama!
I hope everyone had a good week, so glad it's over but not looking forward to next week with all of the big party prep and my baby will be two (what a happy and kinda sad moment)

So this week I was all over instagram, posting, commenting...slightly addicted sometimes so there's are tons of pics this week.

Cheese! Fatmumslim's photo a day challenge...first thing you see...gabes face, everyday

Watching spongebob before bed

Someone is so sleepy after a morning with GB(grammie bean)

Young love. Maggie said "kiss me goodnight gabe"

Someone is captivated by the new construction bubble guppies

Just woke up and said "big truck" and went right back to sleep

Modeling my new skirts from @a_gremlins_closet

I loooove this kid

Fun at the park

You guys can follow me on instagram @littlemouthbaby

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wordless thursday?

For a minute, while editing photos, I really, really, really thought it was Wednesday. So, even though it's Thursday I'm going to post some pics from the past week.

Yeah, Sidney has a turkey on her head.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Great dad

I don't think that I say it enough on the blog or in real life. Jorge is a great dad. He loves his kids a ton. It was actually what drew me to him in the first place.

*how we met and fell in love*

We were both ushers at the rosemont theatre for Elmo's coloring book (you know, a live stage show thingie). We were stuck on one of the side doors together for three shows on a Saturday. People would come in these doors at the beginning of the show, but no one could come in the doors when the show started. Anyways, it made for a long day if you were stuck with someone sucky. Jorge spent the day telling me about his little baby, about seven months old at the time, and I was smitten. He was still with the mom, but someone who talked about their baby so much really melted my heart. A few months later, he had split with the mom and we began dating. That was 13 years ago, November.

From that first day, Jorge has shown me that he loves and will do anything for his kids. He is working like a crazy man for them right now. As much as a hate not seeing him, it really is so selfless of him to work so much for us. It has taken me along time, but I realize that my dad did this for my family too. He worked his job and was a football referee so that he could earn a little extra money, for us.

Thank you dad. Thank you Jorge. I love both of you very much and you are both great dads.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Continued sleep struggles

We have struggled with sleeping at night for quite awhile. I don't remember the last time that I slept in my bed, with only Jorge, for a whole night. It has started to take its toll again.

Jorge puts gabe to sleep most nights. We put him to sleep in his bed for a few weeks but he would wake up, cry and then beg to come to our bed. Then, the sneaky little devil, would just climb in our bed without waking us up. That was scary, since we weren't watching out for gabe in bed.

For a few weeks now, Jorge has been putting gabe to sleep in our bed. Ok. Fine. However, they are watching cartoons (loudly) on Jorge's phone. Jorge claimed he's falling asleep. For awhile he was, now he's not. He has been going to sleep after 10 for the past few days. This means two things, I can't go to sleep before 10 and I have a kiddo who is sleeping until 730/8. Which is great, kinda. We have had things to do and not time to sleep in. Also, that means that he takes a later nap, goes to bed later and just continues the cycle. I cannot do this!

I don't like going to bed when gabe is still up because I'm still hoping to put him in his bed for the rest of the night. Although that really hasn't been happening. I actually like sleeping with gabe. I don't like going to sleep when he's still awake, he likes to put the ends of my hair in his cheek-neither one of us is getting to sleep.

So, I just don't know what to do. I have to put my foot down about the cartoons, I'm just not sure Jorge is going to be happy about that.

On another note, gabe had an awesome playdate with his future girlfriends, Maggie and Lucy. It's so cute! Maggie calls gabe her boyfriend already! I can't wait for gabe to start speaking sentences and saying funny shit like that!

They ate lunch, got in bed together, and then kissed! Maggie kept saying "gabe, kiss me good nite."

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Friday, September 14, 2012

My life rocks!

It's that time again! It's time to share my week via instagram!

Haha! I was totally not grabbing the button the right way so it should take you to this awesome blog this time. Hey, I'm still learning because i totally suck at computer things. buds music time. Poor lucifer puts up with gabes super tight hugs. I think he secretly likes them!

2...yes! Block tower complete! He was super excited when he made a huge tower with his blocks and then got to knock it down.

3...Wednesday was Sidney's 14th birthday! Where has the time gone? of the day...together. Gabe and Kyle love playing together

5...another photo of the and white. This has been my most liked photo. Only six people but it's a start.

6...I couldn't find anything else to hold up my hair. I had a paintbrush but no hair stick thingies so u just went with the paint brush.

This picture isn't in the collage because it is one of my absolute favorite pictures. I love everything about it! (especially my cute kiddo! Haha!)

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

I'm still walking with megan and Kyle. It feels like we've walked a lot more than three times. The best part of the walk is after, when the boys get to play. Gabe doesn't really have a lot of playdates so this is awesome!

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