Ok, I guess gabe only had two play dates, but they were in two days so it seemed like a lot. First, gabe and I went to orland park to meet a mom and little girl that I met on instagram. Jorge freaked me out at first. He was saying things like, "you gotta be careful, meet in a public place..." Omg. Way to make me nervous!

It turned out fine. Better than fine actually! Alli and Mia are great! I could not believe how well gabe and Mia got along. They were super cute on the playground together, with their "beans" (a cute stuffed animal my mom made).

We met at noodles (gabes favorite place), and then we spent hours at the park. The kids really were so great together. They are only three months apart. I think she's the closest in age to gabe of any of his friends. We finished the day with ice cream and shakes from McDonald's. The two of them were wiped out!

Tuesday, gabe had another playdate! This time we hung out with Dave, Stacey, and lilah. We met at woodfield so the kids could go play at yuyu kids. It was raining out so there weren't a lot of choices. Gabe did a lot better this time. He actually went in a little bouncy thing. He and lilah also play great together.

After yuyu kids we went to lunch/dinner at rainforest. We had never been before. It was really cool, we were sitting right by a huge tank. The kids loved it!

It really was a great two days!