I've been a pretty bad blogger lately. I haven't really posted anything. Sometimes life just catches up one you and you have to choose what things you are going to do and what things you are going to leave for later. Sorry, blogging has been left for later. I promise I will put up pumpkin patch pictures! (on snapfish too mom)

It's been pretty good the past week or so with putting gabe to sleep at night. We have a new routine down that seems to be working. Although I have been paranoid that he will wake up any minute. The routine we have tried to stick to is a sippy cup of milk, in the rocking chair, while we read stories. This is another big thing. Gabe hasn't really been interested in books until recently. He will look at the pictures while I read and not try to slam the book shut. Back to the routine....then I turn the lights down and hold him for a minute by his bed. Then I put him, his pacifier and his giraffe in his crib. I rub his belly and leave. Sometimes he stands up before I leave and then I give him a big hug while he's still in the crib. It's so much better than rocking him to sleep. (let's not discuss nap time though)

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