After dinner came bath time. It's a fun time here. Gabe loves to take baths. He discovered splashing. Lots of fun for him, not so much for me. I have a splash towel ready to save myself most times. Sidney got to give gabe his bath tonight. I think both of them had fun.

We also took the neighbors dog for a walk. He is a great dog and he's got to get ready for his own little owner to be born. Less than a month now, koa will have a little man of his own. We try to get him exposed to gabe every so often so he is a little prepared. Gabe did most of the walking on our walk. I was pretty proud of him. He was a little goofy, I didn't get a good picture but he was attacking the leaves! Too funny!

On the lookout for some leaves to attack.

Gabe also got in some slide time. I cannot even tell you how great this purchase was! I was disappointed that we would have to leave the slide at one of the grandparents houses since they have yards. Megan had the great idea of setting it up inside. Gabe loves it! There will be days that pass that he doesn't go on it and then it's almost like he rediscovers it and can't get enough!


Who knows what's in store for tomorrow! Dinner at olive garden...we will see what else!
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