Yuck! I am sick. It is one of those sucky colds where one minute you are kinda ok and then the next your whole body is aching and your nose is stuffed and your throat is killing you. Did I say yuck?
Poor gabe had a rough day yesterday. He got two shots and I have confirmed that he is getting three teeth. He was such a brave kid at the doctor (well not really, he cried when they took his temperature) but I thought he deserved mcdonalds. I will not fool anyone, we are not always the healthiest eaters. I made his food when he was starting solids, but not because I wanted him to be healthier, just because it was cheaper and I had the time.


Yesterday was an amazing day for one reason...gabe slept in the pack and play (and thru the doorbell ringing) for almost two hours! I didn't know what to do with myself. I was so proud of him! Why? I'm not sure I just feel like he is growing up and realizing that he doesn't need to be held, mommy is not leaving.

When he woke up he was full of energy and we played hide and seek with the ottoman.

Like his banana hairdo? I just love this kid so much! I can't believe that he is such a boy now and not so much a baby.
Everyone cross their fingers that our neighbor Jen has a healthy baby boy today!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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