I so wanted to post this last night. However, my sicky baby and hubby all wanted to go to bed together. *sigh* There was so much I wanted to do, but I gave in to my two men.

We began our Easter at breakfast with the Sanchez family. We always go to this diner that we call "the fake golden nugget". Poor gabe had been running a fever all day Saturday and didn't seem like he was feeling much better. Breakfast was yummy, but gabe didn't eat anything but a bite of toast. I was kinda worried about him. He has never run a fever like he had on Saturday and he was kinda getting a rash.
We went back to jorges parents house to get Easter baskets. Gabe loved his! It had golf clubs, a big ball and a train set. He has fallen in love with Thomas and begs me to watch choo-choo. He was super excited about the golf clubs and was even swinging at balls. He was so coordinated! I was impressed!

He also got an Easter wheelbarrow from my parents the night before. It was filled with m&ms (gabes fav), a sword, a sprinkler and a duck for the bath that he was super excited about. He also loved the wheelbarrow. I can't wait to take it to the new house so that he can load it with sticks and run around.

We spent the rest of the day at my aunt judys house. Gabe was a little out of it for most of the day. He did pick a few eggs with Samantha. And eventually he let most of the family pick him up and play with him.

On another note...
Some blogs do steppin' out Saturday. Well, finally I have worn something nice and I will do stepping out sunday.

Jeans: seven for all mankind (marshals!)
Shirt and shoes: Kohls
Sweater: the gap
I hope that everyone had a great Easter. (I almost forgot!) I did run gabe to the doctor today. He has roseola, a fever followed by a rash. Unfortunately, there's not any medicine that he can take, but it should be better in a few days.
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