Another packed weekend. Saturday, I got a gabe break, because he spent the majority of the day with his titi and aunty jazzy. I really needed it too because my back went into a crazy spasm after falling down the stairs and I had a migraine. What a day to be kid free right?
We also had a birthday party for Lucy (gabes future girlfriend) that afternoon. It was alot of fun! I got to catch up with Elizabeth a little bit. It seems like we haven't seen each other in a very long time but, they were just over not that long ago. Maggie (Lucy's sister and gabe other girlfriend) and gabe played really well together. They played in Maggie's playhouse, "rode" some bikes, and played with their babies in their strollers.
After the birthday party, I had my eight grade reunion. Hard to believe that its been 18 years since grade school. Not a lot of people showed up, but it was fun with the ones who did. It was nice to catch up. Hopefully Vicky and I will get our kids together. Oh yeah, Vicky and I got the cops called on us! We were sitting out in front of the house talking in her car and my neighbor called the cops! Crazy old lady!
Today, we went to the flea market. It was nice, but it got hot fast. We didn't last that long. But thats ok, we weren't looking for anything in particular. It was nice to be out walking.
After the flea market, gabe and I went to my aunts for a little family get together. We only get together for holidays so it was nice to get together just for fun. Gabe was in a weird mood. He just wanted me. Karen was able to get him in the pool for a bit. Then, my uncle bill got him to play for a bit, but he was really clingy. I hope he's not getting sick.
Gabe and Samantha-best buds at the end