Monday, October 1, 2012

I have a two year old

I also have one of the luckiest two year olds, because he had a GINORMOUS birthday party (about 90 people). It was a bubble guppy themed party because the are his favorite.

*pre party*
Thursday, I was running a fever. I was a little in denial, I even went to kohls with my mom that night instead of resting. Friday, I woke up even worse if that's possible. I had to take Tylenol every four hours or my fever would come back. I called the dr and they made me come in because I might have strep (!). Major freaking out so much that I made myself sick to my stomach. Anyways, she said I had a virus which is code for good luck, you may feel better tomorrow or in ten days. Super!

Friday night was bad. I was achy, running a fever, tired, and I couldn't do anything for the party. I downed NyQuil and slept and slept and woke up Saturday morning with only a sore throat!! Awesome!

We were so so so lucky! The weather was wonderful and tons of people showed up! Gabe didn't nap, but he ran strong with his cousins (after some cuddle time with Karen).

We had two piƱatas, a 2 and a ghost. Gabe loves ghosts "dost" because they are in one of his favorite bubble guppies episodes. The 2 went quickly, but the ghost kept hanging on...

We were soooooo incredibly lucky that our friend Kim showed up. She took some amazing pictures! I only had three, she took 141! Thanks Kim!!!

I'm gonna post a ton of my favorites.

Baby J

Our wonderful cake made by Andrea!

Jorge and his ladies....Lynn, Kim, and barb.

Gabe passed out right after cake...he didn't even get a bite before he passed out!


It was a great day, a great party. I'm so glad we could share it with so many friends and family. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day so wonderful!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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