Omg. I know that I always say this, but we were soooo busy this weekend! I put gabe to sleep Friday, everyone went to bed together late Saturday, and I put gabe to sleep last night too. Really, I have a tons of photos, a ton of editing, and a ton of watermarks to insert.
Friday was a playdate at the kohls children's museum in glenview with Peyton and Erika (Vicky and Kristina for me). Gabe....oh I don't even know what to say....thank god the girls were there to hang out with each other because gabe was kinda a mess. He was having a great time, except every time we had to go to the next section. Then, he threw himself on the ground, screamed and cried. Was my face red. I did get some cute pictures of non-meltdown time.

Seriously? A basket of avocados? He would never eat them!

Friday wasn't over after the playdate. We also went to a gallery opening that night. One of our very close friends, bill, just opened a gallery in portage park. It's so awesome to have a real gallery in the neighborhood. He also does custom pieces, and framing. It was my first gallery outing ever and I'm glad it was for bill.

Did our weekend end there? No, not at all. Saturday, October 13, was the day of birthdays. It's my dads, Jorge's dads and Megan's birthdays. My mom and dad were in Alton, visiting friends and reffing football games, so we went out for Jorge's dads (and jasmins17th!!) birthday. Gabe was actually pretty well behaved considering how he's been acting lately.

He was making his giraffes kiss (oh man, looking at this photo gabe really needs a hair cut!)
Yesterday was spent recuperating and installing our new water heater (ugh). I hope everyone had a great weekend!
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