Friday, December 7, 2012

Instagram photos again!

Ok, I hope you all checked out harper's's a pretty cute blog, and Harper is adorable! But seriously, I have an adorable kiddo too!

This week has been up and down and all over the place. My mom came home from the hospital (yeah!), I think little man may be getting sick, I am wearing skinny jeans and not yoga pants, and Jorge has been working a ton(good and bad). So, I don't have a ton to talk about, but I have a ton of photos!

Jorge and gabe enthralled with "the little mermaid"

Having a meltdown because he cannot spend the whole day outside

Cuddle time

A beautiful winter sunset (although it was 60 degrees!)

Squeezing onto the couch with GB

Yeah mail!!

Spongebob hat...I had to chase him down to get this!

Finally asleep and may be getting sick (warm and fussy)


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